About Us

Eric Auslander
Founder and CEO
Eric Auslander is the founder and CEO of Auslander Capital Partners (ACP). Eric has been directly involved in over $9 billion in multifamily acquisitions throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Sunbelt regions (65,000+ apartment units). Prior to founding Auslander Capital Partners, Eric served as an Acquisition Executive with The Souferian Group and as a Vice President with Morgan Properties. Eric has extensive relationships in the industry and gives ACP a competitive advantage in market intel and targeting opportunistic acquisitions.
Eric is a graduate of Temple University, holding a Bachelor of Business Administration with a dual major in Real Estate and Finance. Eric lives in Phoenixville, PA with his wife and their two children.
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Auslander Capital Partners
A rеаl еѕtаtе invеѕtment аnd рrореrtу mаnаgеmеnt соmраnу with a fосuѕ оn U.S. multifаmilу араrtmеntѕ
Corporate Office: Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460